branch 1branch n. 枝; 分科, 部門; 支店, 支部. 【動詞+】 adopt some branch of literature as a profession 職業として文学のある分野を選ぶ The snow bent the branches of the trees. 雪の重みで木々の枝がしなっていた We broke off dead bra
i'm surprised more of us don't branch out . 運転手仲間があまり人殺しをしないから、 驚いてるんだ。
well , let's just hope he doesn't decide to branch out . まあ 彼が手を広げない事を祈ろう
we should just branch out . 私たちは、ちょうど分岐する必要があります。
this was one of triggers that led kabuki actors to branch out into other areas of theater . これが歌舞伎役者が他分野の演劇に進出するひとつのきっかけとなる。
i grabbed a branch out of the fire to keep it back , but it never came for me . 他の人全ては まだ生きているだろう 聞いて欲しいの ピーター 今夜は避難所に泊まれない?
initial calculations indicate that there are 219 potential routes he could've taken in the time he's been missing , but the possibilities branch out exponentially the longer that he's out there . 初計算では─ 失踪時に取りうる 逃走ルートは219通り でも手間取るほど その数は増える
however , there were a very few exceptions that a person was allowed to branch out on his own (the kita school established as a branch school in the edo period ) or transferred to another school with permission of the head families of the schools (hideo kanze ). しかし、ごく稀に例外として分派独立を許される者(江戸期における喜多流の分派)や、各流派の宗家の了承を得て移籍を果たす者(観世栄夫)も見られる。
vary in order to spread risk or to expand; "The company diversified" Synonyms: diversify, broaden,