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branch out 意味

"branch out"の例文


  • (木が)枝を出す、張る、(企業{きぎょう}などが)手を広げる、拡張{かくちょう}する
    The steel maker branched out into rubber and plastic manufacturing. その鉄鋼メーカーは、ゴムとプラスチックの製造にも参入した。
  • branch     1branch n. 枝; 分科, 部門; 支店, 支部. 【動詞+】 adopt some branch of literature as a
  • out     1out n. 《米》 不和; 〔野球〕 アウト. 【形容詞 名詞+】 He's that rare exception: a pitcher
  • branch out to    ~に支店を出す
  • to branch out    to branch out 分かれ出る わかれでる
  • branch growing out straight    スッと伸びた枝
  • branch out as an artist    芸術家{げいじゅつか}[アーチスト]として活動範囲{かつどう はんい}を広げる[新たな分野{ぶんや}に乗り出す]
  • branch out one's business    事業{じぎょう}を拡張{かくちょう}する
  • throw out the olive branch    善意{ぜんい}を示す
  • branch out and search in different places    手分けしていろんな場所{ばしょ}を探す[捜索{そうさく}する]
  • branch out into an entire brand    事業{じぎょう}の多角化{たかくか}を広げ全体がブランドになる
  • come out like a gnarled branch    ねじれた枝のように成長{せいちょう}する
  • hold out an olive branch    和解の意思を示す
  • a branch    a branch 分脈 ぶんみゃく
  • branch     1branch n. 枝; 分科, 部門; 支店, 支部. 【動詞+】 adopt some branch of literature as a profession 職業として文学のある分野を選ぶ The snow bent the branches of the trees. 雪の重みで木々の枝がしなっていた We broke off dead bra
  • branch into    ~に枝分かれする


  • i'm surprised more of us don't branch out .
    運転手仲間があまり人殺しをしないから、 驚いてるんだ。
  • well , let's just hope he doesn't decide to branch out .
    まあ 彼が手を広げない事を祈ろう
  • we should just branch out .
  • this was one of triggers that led kabuki actors to branch out into other areas of theater .
  • i grabbed a branch out of the fire to keep it back , but it never came for me .
    他の人全ては まだ生きているだろう 聞いて欲しいの ピーター 今夜は避難所に泊まれない?
  • initial calculations indicate that there are 219 potential routes he could've taken in the time he's been missing , but the possibilities branch out exponentially the longer that he's out there .
    初計算では─ 失踪時に取りうる 逃走ルートは219通り でも手間取るほど その数は増える
  • however , there were a very few exceptions that a person was allowed to branch out on his own (the kita school established as a branch school in the edo period ) or transferred to another school with permission of the head families of the schools (hideo kanze ).


  • vary in order to spread risk or to expand; "The company diversified"
    Synonyms: diversify, broaden,

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